What is product testing program?

It's a program for Cinnado members who love testing and sharing! Basically, we'll tell you how to get free product samples, and you test and review them.

Your reviews can be videos, text and image-text reviews. To participate in this program, just follow the steps below:

How to enter?

1.If you are not social media Influencers ,please click"
APPLY 1"button

If you are social media Influencers(youtube,instagram,tiktok,facebook),please click"
APPLY 2"button.

2.Fill out the application, and wait for us to get back to you.

3.After you are selected, our colleague will contact you,please provide us with valid information to increase the possibilities to be selected.

Cinnado reserves all rights of the program. Any questions about the Cinnado Reviewer Program, please contact marketing01@cinnado.com.